This book is about two detectives, Tim Diamond and Nick Diamond. They are not actually detectives but they preferred to be called that way.
One day, a dwarf came into their office and asked them to keep his package and said that he would give 500 dollars for keeping them for a week and he would take it back. He emphasized that they are not to open the package. Tim thought the dwarf was crazy but Nick knew there was something mystery and dangerous about keeping the package. And he was exactly right.
One morning, Nick got a letter from the Fat Man, the biggest crime in England and told them to give the package. They didn't gave it to him and later, they found out that the package contained only a box of Malteser which was just a plain chocolate. But after a few weeks, they also found out that this Malteser box meant 5 million dollars from Falcon, who was the biggest crime on earth, and he wanted to keep his 5 million dollars safely after he was dead and he made a riddle to get 5 million dollars and this Malteser box was a clue. Many great crimes try to get this Malteser box but Nick's witness was good enough to protect the Malteser. After chasing each other for a long time, Nick figured out the answer of the riddle. It was a bar code on the Malteser's box. Nick reflected a sunlight on the bar code to the eagle's eye and there was a beep sound. The eagle monument should be cracked and open but it didn't work. Later, Nick found out that his friend, Lauren, had stole the Malteser box's barcode and replaced the false bar code. But still Lauren gave some money to Nick with a letter and he spent the summer holiday with his money.
My best part of this book is the time when Nick had injured two famous crimes, Hommel and William. Lauren and Nick were both captured by them and they tied their (Lauren and Nick) bodies with some ropes. Hommel and William had gone to the bank where Nick mentioned where he kept the Malteser box which actually was a lie. Lauren had learned how to escape from tying by ropes and escaped. She also helped Nick and Nick planned something brilliant. Even though they escaped from tying by rope, the door was locked. Nick was very sure that the crimes would kill him by telling them a lie. He was locked at the 5th floor of a strange building and there was a big piano at the centre of a room. When Nick watched they parked at a parking lot, he pushed the piano and it crashed on their car. Everyone was astounded and one man had found out Nick and called the key fixer. The key fixer came and unlocked the door. And then Nick and Lauren escaped. Fortunately to Hommel and William, they were not killed and just injured a bit.
I was in this book and didn't know that the time had passed. I would really like to try one of his books maybe the continue book after this book. I would seriously like to recommend this book to everyone.
I've read some of Anthony Horowitz books, and they were awesome. By just knowing that it is written by Anthony Horowitz, I can guess this is a pretty good book. Pretty cool Young Woo, g o o d j o b! On this book! I mean the blog post!
This book is mysterious and it is really entertaining. I've read lots of Anthony Horowitz books, and this one is my favourite. My favourite part is the same as yours, when Nick injured Hommel and William. That part was very interesting. Nice job on this blog post!
I like this book too. I already read and it is really cool. The thing that is cool in this book was the action. The writing is awesome nice job. :)
Again, this book is awesome. Even though i haven't read it, seems cool to me
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