Friday, October 16, 2009

Madness Day

Today was a Madness Day! There are 6 teams and I was in a team called 'Rinjani'.
At first, I envyed one of the teams called 'Krakatau' and wanted to be in that team because there are so many good players and I was quite sure that they will going to win which was totally wrong.

In total, I played three matches. For the first match, we played a game with a basketball. I don't know the name of this game but I played this game a lot of times before so I didn't enjoy it very much.
The rule is very simple. First, we have to stand in a straight line. Then the first person has to pass the ball up to his/her head and the next person should get it and pass the ball between his/her leg. We have to repeat these two steps every time. When the last person gets the ball, he or she has to run to the front of the line and pass it to the first person and is out of the line. When there is nobody left in one team for the first time, they won.
I was happy that our team was in the third place for this game. Amazingly, Krakatau was in the last place which was totally out of my expectation!
For the next match, we played a tug of war. We got even better score in this game. We were in the second place! Again, Krakatau was almost in the last place even though there are many strong people! I couldn't believe my eyes.
For the last match, we played a game called 'Water Relay'. I think almost nobody played this game before because we were in the second last place but I enjoyed this game the best.

Agung got 140 points, Bromo got 120 points, Merapi got 110 points, Krakatau got 40 points, Salak got 120 points and Rinjani got 70 points.

From this match, I learned a very important lesson. It was that cooperating with our team was the most important thing because that's the reason why Krakatau lost even though they got lots of good and strong people. From now on, I will never envy any other teams that they got good people because it's no use at all if 'COOPERATION' is out.

I really enjoyed Madness Day today and I can't wait to play again in Christmas!!!


Michael said...

Yes, Madness was a great afternoon activity, especially when you are member of the Rinjani team, eh?

I enjoyed the tug of war the best by far.

Enjoy the holiday.


Valentina said...

I thought BROMO was 3rd in the first thing match stuff. How dare you, Mr. Hughes?? Did you not enjoy the Water Relay???